So second game of the tournament, I played Tau. The game was .. Emperor's Gift? (I don't have my book atm, but it was 2 objectives), with all the normal bonus points, as well as 1 additional point for each killed troop and HQ choice (dedicated transports were ruled troop upgrades, not troop choices - good call in my opinion). I think there was night fighting on the first turn.
I don't remember his list, but he had:
Shae, with some heavy suit body gaurds and cowboy (they both had 2 weapons, and they could all
fire at different targets. (I don't have Tau book, and have only played them 2-3 times in last 5 years,
so this will probably be off)
2 Hammer Heads with railguns and missile pods
3 Transports, with 3 units of fire warriors.
I had same list as before.
This time I went first without stealing the initiative, and he deployed to strong side me - keeping his suits in reserve.
Turn 1 - I jumped both Dread Knights over and flamed his transports - doing a few glancing hits. I started rushing my Chimeras toward him - there was a big piece of LOS blocking terrain in middle, I sent 2 around front (into his LOS, and 3 around back, directly toward the objective. This wasn't really a strategy, as much as taking the most direct route, based on deployment. Nothing major, except it blew his strategy - his entire army spent the rest of the game in that corner 2x2 corner of the board (except the suits, which landed just outside that box, and then jumped into it)
His turn 1, he unloaded all of his fire warriors, and attacked my Dreads. The only thing he didn't shoot at my Dreads were the railguns, which he used to pop a Chimera for first blood.
Score: Me 3 (objective), Tau 1
Turn 2 - I made 2 mistakes this turn. I moved one of my dreads to be able to charge the hammer head, then I used the other one to flame his troops. I completely outsmarted myself however, because I lined up to charge a unit, and then used the heavy incinerator to burn the other 2 (thinking I didn't want to burn the close unit, because I wanted to be able to charge - which I couldn't do after shooting 2 other units instead (one of them did break and run of the board). When I realized my mistake, I was so flustered that I also forgot to charge the Hammer Head.
On his turn 2, his suits come down, and he with his firepower, he killed the Dread Knight that was threatening his Hammer heads, killed an Inquisitor warband, and put 2 wounds on the other Dread.
Score: Me 4, Tau 2.
Turn 3 - I jumped toward his Hammerhead with my other Dread but, looking at an 11" charge, I flamed another unit of fire warriors off the board.
On his turn, he destroyed another Chimera, and my Dread Knight
Score Me 5, Tau 2
Turn 4 - By now, 3 of my Chimeras are almost at his objective, but not much happens
On his turn, he moves his fire warriors onto the objective, blows up a chimera, and kills a warband
Score: Me 5, Tau 6
Turn 5 - I unload all 3 surviving warbands - but only 1 of them is withing range of the objective. I also killed his last unit of firewarriors, so that I am on both objectives uncontested.
On his turn, he blows up a Chimera (since it is close to all of the warbands, he is hoping the explosion will do damage - it does some, but not alot). He did manage to kill the warband on his objective, however - making the final score 7 for me (line breaker), and 4 for Tau.
Again, the Dread Knights did well. I think his problem was target priority, and maybe only having 3 troops. Marines can get away with it - sometimes, but if you only have 3 troops, that aren't marines, and you unload them from their transports on turn 1, I think you are setting yourself up for a hard fight. I am liking the mobility of transports supporting Dread Knights, so instead of using my Paladins at 2000 points, I am thinking about keeping the mobility. If I can win the maneuverability and shooting games, and do decently in hand to hand (and each model does have a force weapon), I think I should do pretty well.
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