Chaos - Typhus
2x20 Zombies
1x21 Zombies
3x10 CSM (all marks of nurgle, 2 squads with double plasma, 1 squad with a flamer and missile launcher)
3x2 Obliterators with mark of Nurgle
Aegis Defense line with Quad-Gun
Orks - Ghazghkul
Warboss with mega armor
2x29 Shoota Boys
3x15 Lootas
3 Battle Wagons with Supa-Kannons (forgeworld?)
Aegis defense line (no gun)
Chaos went first, no night fighting. Typhus was with Zombies in middle. All obliterators were deep-striking (the battle wagons were armor 14, so shooting lascannons at armor 14 with a 4+ cover save seemed like a bad idea, although in hindsight, this bit me in the ass - more later).
Chaos Turn 1 - Killed some lootas, moved up.
Ork Turn 1 - Supa Kannons killed some marines and zombies, but with the 4+ defense works going through the deployment zone, the kannons didn't do much most of the game, other than lure my obliterators into giving up some kill points.
Chaos Turn 2 - 1 Dragon and 2 squads of oblits come in, and stick right were I placed them. The dragon hits a unit of lootas and breaks them, 6 inches from the edge of the board, and only ran 5". The obliterator squads each double fire a side shot on the closest battle wagon - the first squad rolls snake eyes, and the other 2 got 1 hit, which was saved.
Orks Turn 2 - One of the units of lootas shoot the dragon down. Only 1 penetrating hit, and the dragon explodes. This game was not all about dice, the list had some weaknesses, and I made some tactics mistakes, but there were 3 critical dice rolls that turned what would have been a close game into a massacre - this was the first one, 15 loota shots exploding a dragon. The rest of ork shooting didn't do much, the obliteratiors made most of their saves.
Chaos Turn 3 - Other Obliterators and Dragon come on. I flame and attack the lootas, trying to break them, and I do break another unit, which ran 4", but the edge of the board was 5" away. I do break the first unit of lootas a second this time, and they run 2", still not off the board (but they don't rally the next turn, and finally run off the board).
Ork Turn 3 - Another unit of lootas (that had just rallied) fired 10 shots, and killed my dragon - this was the second critical roll). Gazgul, the warboss, and the shoota boys charge Typhus and the zombies. I thought this fight would go better. He declared Waaah!, so he had a 2+ invuln save, so I used the zombie sgt to fight in Gazgul's challenge, thinking that Thypus would clean up, but in the end, he only killed 2 orks, and then failed 3 of 4 look out sirs against powerclaws, and died (this was the third critical roll that I failed). One of my obliterators get charged by other units of boys, and die (the powerklaw killed both of them)
Chaos Turn 4 - By not things are looking grim, I only have 1 kill point, both dragons, and my warlord are gone, and none of them accounted for themselves, or even soaked enough fire to have been valuable as a fire magnet. I can still roll the backfield if my oblits kick in, there are alot of soft targets for oblits, but this wasn't their day. I charge the unit of boys, and I flame some lootas. The rest of Typhus's zombies die.
Orks Turn 4 - Gazgul moves up, but his unit doesn't make the charge through cover. The Oblits kill some orks, but the poweclaw kills one of them.
Chaos Turn 5 - I can't stop throwing good after bad, and throw my other oblit unit in to help against the boys. I kill some more orks, and then lose the last oblit from the other squad.
Ork 5 - Orks kill the last oblits, gazgul's squad kills a unit of CSM
Chaos 6 - The game is over now, but I try to kill gazgul, I do one wound.
Orks 6 - Gazgul declares a charge against my back CSM, but fails the charge.
Thoughts - While most of the game, I rolled really well, when it really mattered, the dice went against me hard, and I lost my 3 biggest hitters before they had a chance to make a difference. Dice you can't control though, so what could I have done different?
1. Even though the dice went abysmal in that I failed 3 of 4 LOS, and then failed all 3 invulnerable saves, it was very unlikely that he was going to survive 3 orks with powerclaws, even 1 at a time, since his weapon was unwieldy, and they would have all still gotten their attacks in - so I should have stayed back and shot them some more.
2. I dropped obliterators near the trucks, but then didn't kill them. They made very little difference in the game, but they would have been 3 kill points - I thought the lootas would be a softer target, but it didn't work out that way - they kept failing leadership rolls, and then stopping 1" from the edge of the board. I'm not sure that standing back and shooting at the trucks would have done much good, but they could have focused fire on gazgul's group.
3. Maybe there were too many zombies. They were there for holding objectives, but in a non objective game, they didn't really contribute anything, other than absorbing shots from lootas and the Supa Kannons, which is something I guess.
I was going to use this list at a small tournament, next week, but it got crushed so badly, that I am thinking about doing something much different, but then I won't have a chance to test it.
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