Thursday, August 2, 2012

Reclusiarchs and Chaplians (revisited)

Both of these greatly increase the efficiency of the Death Company, but is it enough?  My thinking was that if I have to take a HQ anyway, why not take a Reclusiarch?  Then I read this thread,, and it started me thinking.  While the charge bonus is huge with the re-rolls, what if you don't get the charge?  What are you going to do the next round of combat?

I am coming around to the idea of using the points from a chaplain (or even the point difference between a chaplain and resclusiarch) to buy power axes.  Power Axes will contribute to the combat EVERY round, even if the DC doesn't get the charge.  Maybe if the DC is in an assault vehicle, the chaplain will be worth it, because you are almost guaranteed to get to use his power at least once, but I don't think so.

Mathhammer can only get you so far, but I have already been disappointed by the Reclusiarch - dying every game (giving up warlord point), failing to contribute because unit didn't get charge, failing challenges (because of AP 4 power weapon).  In my last game, I got the charge on some tactical marines, and I slaughtered them, but the sergeant survived the challenge with my Reclusiarch (AP 4), and help my DC up to be hit by 2 more units the next turn.  Had the Reclusiarch not been there to be challenged, the DC would have rolled the unit and consolidated to a better position.   
In my own list I am going to drop the reclusiarch, and buy 3 power axes instead.  This is making my Death Company 85 points cheaper.  Not only is it cheaper, but I think these 3 power axes (which cannot be singled out or channeled by a challenge), would have made a huge difference in many of my recent games.  Instead of tying up command squads and elite squads for 3-4 turns, this configuration would have had a real chance of winning those combats.  Also, since it it cheaper, and does not contain my Warlord, I can let this unit do what it was meant to do - fight until it's dead.

I would take the chaplain if he gave the DC counter-charge (maybe even without the re-rolls) 

1 comment:

  1. I am coming around to this same line of thinking with my veterans squads. I used to lead them with a chaplain, but with the Crozius being nerfed, I am leaning more toward a high Power Axe unit without the chaplain. Of course this will only be when I choose not to take a tooled up command squad with the Sacred Standard and Apothecary. I feel like I have so many more viable options now in 6th edition and am once again loving my codex.
