So, I've given some thought to my recent losses. Since I am again building / updating for the 2000 purge the alien tournament, I had 4 goals when designing this list
1. Low kill points - goal around 10
2. Able to kill, and kill fast
3. Make a list that only BA could make
4. Make a list that would have a chance against either of the armies that recently crushed me (AP 2-3 template shooting tanks and instant death necron flyers.
Since, as I have already said, nothing I bring, even Corbula, would survive the onslaught of STR 8, AP 1-3 weapons I faced, I have to put my troops vehicles. What can BA do that no one else can? Take Land Raiders as Dedicated Transports, so I take 2 of these, loaded with naked assault marines.
This gives me two hard, long range units (the terminators in last tourny list were tough, but still fell to lucky small arms fire, ambush plasma units, and AP weapons. I don't need troops for Purge the alien, but I am going to combat squad each of these units, so if I do want to put them on an objective, they will alive when they get there. (I realize that Combat squading is not great for Purge, but since dedicated transports and their units count as 1 unit, I needed to split the squads so that I have 4 units on the table, so that the rest of my army can come in on reserve.
My DC and 2 DC dread rocked last time, so I am going to take them again. The Stormravens did well, so I am keeping them. The assault terminators did well too, but I needed extra points for the land raiders, so I didn't have enough points left for an assault termie squad and a HQ, if only I had a HQ unit that could cut through marines as easily as a terminator squad...enter Mephiston. As a side bonus, this knocks off a kill point, which is good, because the combat squads and the transports are actually raising my number of kill points.
Still, if I could find 2 more units that cost a total of 180 points and are more survivable / killable than the 10 extra assault marines, I would take it (although I still won't be able to get my KP below 12 as long as I have dedicated transports)
So that is
Mephisto + DC Dread in a Storm Raven
10 DC with 3 axes and a DC Dread in a Storm Raven
1 Squad of ASM in a Landraider (Combat Squaded)
1 Squad of ASM in a Landrainder (Combat Squaded)
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